The Westhampton Food Pantry is an outreach program supported by many of the churches in the Westhampton area, providing food, toiletries, and paper goods to local families in need. It’s not only food help. The Food Pantry has provided rent assistance, heating assistance, car repair funds, and more. The Westhampton Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club of Greater Westhampton, and the Father Slomski Council of the Knights of Columbus, partner to hold a Food Pantry Fund Raiser Dinner each year to help support the program.
In light of on-going concerns with large indoor gatherings, our committee is holding a 50/50 cash raffle this year. The committee’s hope is that you will support the fundraiser with $100 donation for three (3) raffle entries, but any donation is gratefully accepted. With 300 tickets printed, that’s a great prize! The drawing will be held on October 30th and the winner will be contacted immediately.
Tickets have been mailed and are available at Flowers by Rori, Rubio Premier Motors, and Lynne's Cards & Gifts