Next meeting: 6 pm dinner on June 25, 2024
June 11 meeting news:
- Spaghetti Dinner in late January relocating to Baby Moon.
- Golf outing is Oct 28th.
- Food Pantry Dinner with Kiwanis and the Knights end of Oct. (stay tuned)
- Patricia DiBenedetto has accepted the position of Gift of Life committee chair.
- Westhampton Rotary provided scholarships for WHB High School graduating seniors.
- Westhampton Rotary gave awards to deserving WHB Middle School students.
- We're looking into a Poker Night to raise funds for the club.
Welcome to our two newest members, John Kuey and Craig McGloin!
President Billy swore them in and it's official!

Congratulations to our club's newest Paul Harris Fellow, Joe Nemeth! This recognition represents our club making a donation in Joe's name to the Rotary Foundation. Joe got a plaque and some nice bling!

Want to know more about Rotary Foundation?

Check out the "Rotary Links"
section of our website:
Our speaker was Past President Chad Vanderslice, who shared with us the story of how Westhampton Rotary built a bridge in Nepal for school children to navigate over a flood-prone river. All made possible by the use of Rotary Foundation Grant funds and partnering with another Rotary Club.

You can see all the photos on our website under the Site Pages section:
Check your calendar for the next date (Saturday July 20th) and join the crew for some outside community service! It's an hour or so on a Saturday morning. Get your steps in and your service!

The June 25 meeting will be President Bill Dalton's year in review wrap-up and planning for the new Rotary year. Be sure to attend so you get the word straight from the source!
The following meeting on July 9th will be our normal dinner meeting (same Bat time, same Bat location) with installation of the incoming (staying) officers and board members.

Food Pantry needs continue:
Liz Lederer will deliver your donations to the Little Free Pantry on Mill Road (near the Beach United Methodist Church). Rice, beans, canned soups, peanut butter....items that can be outside in the pantry cabinet. The ecumenical Food Pantry housed at Immaculate Conception Church is also in need of the same items as well as toiletries, canned tuna, condiments, jar sauce, jelly, cereal, diapers. You can drop items off at the parish office during the daytime office hours 10am-4pm. (Corner of Ocame Ave. and Main St.) Or leave in the screen porch of the Rectory adjacent to the Church outside of office hours.

Want to know what's going on in our District?
Click the District Site icon found at the top right of the bulletin, and also on the home page of our website.
Want to add something to the bulletin? Let me know. Want to learn how to make one? I'll teach you!